Rebirth in Death

How many times must I kill myself before the ‘me’ I’m meant to be rises from the ashes?  How many versions of myself must I go through before I find the one that works?  Each time I say goodbye to my former self; the me that was broken and no longer served a purpose.  Every … More Rebirth in Death

Work in Progress…

Untitled Will I ever be happy? Do I even know what happiness fucking is?! Like, if happiness came and bit me right on my ass, would I even flinch? This elusive mirage called ‘happiness’ is something I’ve long pursued, but have yet to actually grasp. Every time I think I get close, it turns out … More Work in Progress…


My brain is a prison of my own design.  You’d think that since I was the architect, I could easily find my way out, right? Wrong.  My brain is constantly devising crazy ways to keep me trapped within its negative walls. I do things I know are only going to strengthen the bars that hold … More Prisonbreak

I Hate Compliments

They hit me like a smack to the face. I draw my breath in sharply, then hold my breath; as if waiting for the other shoe to drop. Waiting for that ‘but’ to erase the nice things just said. Compliments are wonderful..and despite my physiological response, I appreciate them. I need them. But I still … More I Hate Compliments

Stepping Stone

I’m tired of being the universal stepping stone; the catalyst for others growth and happiness.  When will it be my turn to be the one doing the stepping?  I’ve given so much, mostly without expectation of any reciprocation; simply because it’s in my DNA to give myself to others. But, is it so wrong of … More Stepping Stone